Words To Winners of Souls

“How much more would a few good and fervent men effect in the ministry than a multitude of lukewarm ones!” said Oecolampadius, the Swiss Reformer -­-­ a man who had been taught by experience, and who has recorded that experience for the benefit of other churches and other days.

The lukewarm ministry of one who is theoretically orthodox is often more extensively and fatally ruinous to souls than that of one grossly inconsistent or flagrantly heretical. “What man on earth is so pernicious a drone as an idle minister?” said Cecil.

And Fletcher remarked well that “lukewarm pastors made careless Christians.” Can the multiplication of such ministers, to whatever amount, be counted a blessing to a people?

When the church of Christ, in all her denominations, returns to primitive example, and walking in apostolical footsteps seeks to be conformed more closely to inspired models, allowing nothing that pertains to earth to come between her and her living Head, then will she give more careful heed to see that the men to whom she intrusts the care of souls, however learned and able, should be yet more distinguished by their spirituality, zeal, faith and love.”

This free resource includes:

  • The importance of a living ministry
  • How to walk with God in faithfulness
  • How to walk in the Spirit and in Prayer
  • Revival in ministry
  • How to reap a harvest of souls for Jesus


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